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Life Changing News

Sooo... Matt and I have decided that we wanted to become parents and that we would start trying! Well, we tried in September with no luck, but I had only been off of birth control for a little bit, so we weren't too sad, we knew it'd take time. I downloaded an app that tracks my periods and says when I'm ovulating. Then I took a pregnancy test when I had missed my period on Sunday October 28th, and it was negative. But I thought for sure it was going to work this time, so I've been in a kind of sad funk lately. Well, after doing some research, I decided I just needed to wait a little bit longer until I took the test, that maybe I still had a chance. Today, I haven't been able to get pregnancy off my mind, it came up all the time both in my brain and in conversation. So finally I had to take a pregnancy test and... IT WAS POSITIVE!  I barely even wiped the pee off my bottom before I started realizing that a second veeerrry faint line was peaking through, so I r...

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