Forget me not

I read your entire blog the other day.
I felt like I had forgotten who you were and what you meant to me.
Because after the bell rang so did the text tones.
I know I didn't have you sign my year book, but... I only let like five people touch it.
It's really nothing personal, I just didn't want HAGS written all over a book that cost so much more then the cost of the memories. 
Maybe it makes me unsentimental, but I'll tell you I've shed a bunch of tears for the people I'll never see again.
Not the dead ones necessarily, but the ones I'll never see again.

Like the senior boy from my AP psych class. 
I was THE junior in that class and nobody knew me. 
But he wanted to know me.
And he leaves for a mission soon.

The girl I TAed with for a term and we ditched class for Cafe Rio.
She'll be in college. 

The kid I never knew his name.
But I knew his story.
And it wasn't pretty.

I'm not saying that I'll never happen upon them again, but when I see them it'll be different. 
Because maybe when I see him again I'll realize I've fallen in love with him.
When I see her, we won't have that bond that the teacher said ran so deep.
When I see him, I hope I won't recognize him cause his life will be so much grander than it was.

So throw your rocks and close your books.
This isn't a fantasy anymore.
Expect nothing from everyone.
-- that's what my Dad has always said.
And it seems to be doing a pretty great job.
I read your blog the other day, not because I had forgotten you, but because I had forgotten myself.
Your words pierced my soul, and I remembered, I'm the girl that will be forgotten. Because how can I think others will remember me, when I can't even do that much. 

I guess I should change that.

So, Remember me as anything you can, I beg of you.
Take our faded memories and spray paint them again. 
Because I promise, my dear, I will not be the one you forget.


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